Monday, November 16, 2015

Gratitude Day 16: How Did My Garden Grow?

I'm grateful for my garden and the fresh veggies, berries and flowers it has provided us with through the years. I always miss it so much during the winter months!

So, how did my garden grow this year?   Well, as you can see from the photo above, the garden is becoming quite the hodge podge . . . tomatoes, strawberries, mint, grass and weeds all intermingling with a few other veggies that have braved the mess, and the heat of the summer.  
We always plant lots of tomatoes of course . . .  .

This is the collection of tomatoes, onions, and peppers that became this last month:
Four pints of delicious Chili Sauce.

Perhaps my best crop of sweet peppers ever . . . still most were not very large, but still a nice reward.

A few nice little cucumbers every week or two towards the end of the summer.

We had some nice little zucchini plants and some crookneck squash too.  The crookneck always seem to get tough skinned before they get very large.   Any suggestions?

And of course, we can't do without a few sunflowers . . . .

We had a few grapes this year too, but not as many as last.   I didn't get to them in time, so the birds enjoyed most of them this time. 

Our Big Max Pumpkin plant grew up into the tree this year, and then onto the fence.  In August I decided that this pumpkin needed a bit of extra support.

 Here is the smaller pumpkin where it was growing on the fence just before the October frost.

And here is the lower one sitting on it's pot, now all nice and orange.
The frosts have now come, and most of the garden is gone, except for the grass and the weeds and the berry plants.    On Saturday I finally dug the carrots, and this is what is left tonight . . . .about a third of the crop.   Not as pretty as they were on Saturday, but I forgot to snap a photo then.
So that's it for this fall.   It's been better, it's been worse, but I'm grateful.
So how did your garden grow?

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