Saturday, March 31, 2018

Amazing Awesome Adventure

An Amazing Awesome Adventure, that's what being Mom of 6 has been for me.  It seems that I have always wanted to be a Mom, and I feel very blessed

True, it has been a few years since I have been in the thick of the long busy days and nights of interrupted sleep, tantrums and homework and earaches and upset stomachs.   When I go back and read journal entries they often paint a picture of discouragement and longing for brighter days   There is no question about it, being a Mom, no matter how many children you have is a very difficult job.  However, the years have softened the memories of the hard times, and I have no regrets.  I always wanted to be a Mom, and even though I know I have made mistakes, I would not trade this adventure of motherhood for anything.  During this month of blogging from A to Z I plan to chronicle at least a part of this adventure, as our family grew and we moved a time or two or three or four.  I'm sure it won't be totally complete, but I'll try to be fair and include both the good and the bad, the happy and the sad and some of my favorite memories. 

It all started almost 34 years ago.  My DH (Dear Husband) and I had been married for a bit less than a year and I had just graduated from college two weeks before when this little guy, DS1 (Dear Son One)  joined our little family:

DH found a new job and we moved far away from family and friends, but found a cute apartment in the home of a wonderful family and new friends at church to help a new young, and often homesick Mom of 1.  Time passed quickly, and it really wasn't long until we welcomed DS2 to the crew:

Then  a year and a bit later it was time for DD1 (Dear Daughter ) add some joy:

They grew and they learned, we moved again, and then came  DD2:

A few more years and another move and here came DD3:

Several more years and two more moves, and  finally we were blessed with DD4!

The years have passed.   These babies of mine are now all grown and have become amazing and awesome people that I dearly love. I'll forever be grateful that they are mine and a huge part of my life. 


  1. Love this! I really enjoyed all your memories, and thoughts! What a fun post! Thanks for visiting mine, also!

    1. Thank you, Tawnya. I hope to get around to your blog again many times this month!
