Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shopping Success

So, for the past several weeks I have occasionally been dragging DD4 out on the search for new jeans. Now DD4 is a bit different than many young ladies in that she greatly dislikes shopping of most kinds, especially clothes shopping. Normally we both avoid  shopping for clothes for her untill it is absolutely necessary, but it has gotten to the point where she literally has had no jeans, slacks, shorts, or pants of any kind (except for pajamas) without major rips and holes. For the first few weeks of summer it wasn't such a big deal, but she has two major events coming up where she will be away from home for days at a time, in public, amongst friends and strangers rather than enjoying her summer quietly at home with family.

So, every week or few days lately we've gone out in search of jeans that will be acceptable in size, style, color, fit, and comfort for DD4. The search has been rather futile. The budget is tight, the requirements are high, and patience and tempers are short. The jeans that meet the size, style, color and comfort requirements do not fit the budget. The jeans that meet the budget requirements do not fit the requirements of size, style, color and comfort. Last week we finally purchased one pair of jeans at the thrift store that was merely acceptable. However, for a several day stay away from home and laundry facilities, one pair is not sufficient.

Last night we had another shopping trip that ended in short tempers, frayed nerves, almost tears, and no new jeans. The time was up and the stores were all closing, so we returned home empty handed. The first trip begins tomorrow, so tonight was the last ditch effort. We returned to a store where we had shopped several weeks ago and found a style, size, color, and fit that worked. But the price had been too high. Tonight we hit the jackpot! They were on sale, clearance sale! And, we purchased three, yes three pairs of jeans for less than it we would have paid for one pair of the jeans we were looking at last night!

Hallelujah!  Hip Hip Hooray! I'm cheering loudly for all to hear (or at least read.)

Success.  :)

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