Tuesday, December 4, 2012

NaNoWriMo / No-No Nano

Congratulations to all you NaNoWriMo and No-No Nano and 12 X 12 winners! DD1 was a winner in NaNoWriMo for the 2nd year in a row! It was inspiring to watch her come home from work and dive right back into her writing every night, staying at it until the wee hours of the morning. I haven't been asked to read any of the story yet, but hopefully will get the chance some day.

Unfortunately, I was not as dedicated in my NaNoWriMo Rebel efforts or my No-No Nano. I started out the month of November with a couple of good writing days, but somewhere along the way lost some of my oomph and ambition. It seems I would just get started, and then get interrupted or it would be time to get ready for work, or someone else would need to use the computer, or I would have some other obligation or task that could not be put off for later. I did add 7,464 words to my manuscript, some of it re-writes, but mostly new words. Someday my life may allow for longer stretches of uninterrupted writing time, but meanwhile, I'm not giving up. I will still work at re-writing and filling in the holes of the story and eventually it will be complete!

So what did I do all month when I wasn't being dedicated to NaNoWriMo?  Well, I spent some time with my family, including DS1 and DD3 who came home from school for Thanksgiving.  I did a bit of reading for fun, including Son (The Giver, #4) , Let It Go: A True Story of Tragedy and Forgiveness , As If Being 12 3/4 Isn't Bad Enough, My Mother Is Running for President! , Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen , and The Girl in the Glass: A Novel .  (I think that Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen was my favorite of these five books.)

A lot of my free "leisure" time was spent on my "Gratitude Blog", Random Thoughts and Tender Mercies..   For the past couple of years I've tried to list things that I'm grateful for during November and the Thanksgiving Season.  It helps me to keep my thoughts focused more on the positive, especially as the days get shorter and colder and my natural tendencies towards negativity.  I've also been doing a 12 week scripture challenge which has been interspersed within the gratitude blog posts. 

So, that was my National Novel Writing Month for 2012.  A bit of novel writing, a bit more reading, and quite a bit more blogging.  Like I mentioned before, I haven't given up on my story.  I'm just moving kind of slow, and plan to keep on working at it a bit at a time.  Even this month while we prepare for the Joyous Christmas Season!